Muslim International Law (Kitab al-Siyar al-Saghir)

Author: ibn al-Hasan Ash-Shaybani | Pages: 64 | Size: 12 MB
Muslim International Law may be defined as: That part of the law and
custom of the land and treaty obligations which a Muslim state observes
in its dealings.
Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hasan Ash-Shabani- was a pupil of Abu Hanifah and
heard hadith from Mis'ar ibn Kidam, Sufyan ath-Thawri, 'Amr ibn Dinar,
Malik ibn Maghul, Imam Malik ibn Anas (, al-Awza'i, Rabi'ah ibn Salih,
Bakir and Qadi Abu Yusuf. He resided in Baghdad and narrated hadith
there. He was Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ash-Shaybani
His kunya was Abu 'Abdullah. He was born in 132 and died in 189 AH. He
was only about eighteen years old when Abu Hanifa died and had not been
with him for a long time, but nonetheless he compiled a more complete
study of the fiqh of Iraq than Abu Yusuf. He took from ath-Thawri and
al-Awza'i, and travelled to Malik and learned the fiqh of hadith,
transmissions and the opinions of Malik, after having learned fiqh of
opinion from the Iraqis. He stayed with Malik for three years. He was
appointed a qadi under ar-Rashid but was never Chief Qadi. He had great
skill in letters and so he had both linguistic training and analytic
perception. He was concerned with his appearance so that ash-Shafi'i
said about him, "Muhammad ibn al-Hasan fills both the eye and the
heart." He also mentioned his great eloquence.
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